Why Choose us ?
Our content, resources and training makes it easy for your teachers and learners to be adequately prepared for the demands of the 4th & 5th Industrial Revolutions, such as problem-solving, mathematical reasoning, logical reasoning, cognitive flexibility and ICT literacy.
To make significant changes by ensuring that learners and teachers can cope with the digital transformations and become more proficient with the human-centric capabilities such as conscious thinking, creativity, innovation, analytical & critical thinking, complex problem-solving & decision making, as well as emotional intelligence, leadership and be influential.
To prepare schools for the digital revolution, transitioning teachers into being facilitators of learning beyond their own personal expertise. By instigating technology to support learners’ flexibility in gaining skills and pursuing passions. We have created a platform that integrates software, education, and community to assist the effectiveness of teaching & learning using ICT tools
Transforming Communities Across the Globe
The founders identified challenges in how teachers and learners adapt to modern tools for enhancing teaching and learning in the current Industrial Revolution. This revolution aims to equip learners with the skills to address real-life problems. As specialists in mathematics, robotics, and coding education, the founders developed teaching strategies to facilitate a smooth transition in integrating Science Technology Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM)subjects, along with coding and robotics. Every child matters. TechFlow Afrika strives for inclusivity by balancing both right-brained and left-brained children.